Saturday 4 May 2013

degree student

and now... i'm degree student yeah.... dalam fakulti filem, teater & animasi.... nk tahu x ak ambek coz ape??? animasi.... i don't know why,, why i change it... i think bcoz i want to start a new journey for my life... i want something different n unique from other people... that's i'm.... btw.. i love it....
i can get a new friends, new lecture, new knowledge n also new partnership.... n do you know, there are many different between animation student n management student. when i spent a lot time with them, i laughing n always smile. bcoz, there are too much different. when i with management student, i always talk about anything we want. like how to manage something, like marketing n all about our life our work. but when i spent time with animation student, the different is they always talk about animation, about anime, manga, n 3d or 2d cartoon... that's a new topic to me yeah... n love it... btw. they never won't to share about their knowledge. they're very pro in drawing.. that's make me jelous.

anyway. i wish i will be happy n love this couse too much. i will make my life is complete here....